Nasal Valve Collapse: Symptoms and Treatment Options

Dealing With Nasal Valve Collapse

Nasal Valve Collapse

There are many causes why people might experience difficulty breathing at night. Sinus infections, colds, allergies, and structural issues with the nose can all result in difficulty breathing. Physical malformations like a deviated septum and tumors require surgery to correct. Nasal valve collapse is a common malformation resulting in issues with the structures of the nose.

The Facts about Nasal Valve Collapse

The nasal valve comprises several distinct structures, mainly where the upper lateral cartilage connects to the septum. Nasal valve collapse accounts for almost 25 percent of diagnosed nasal obstructions. A narrowing or weakening of the nasal valve characterizes this condition. Due to the diminutive size of this area, any slight change or a minor obstruction can cause issues.

Common Symptoms:

The symptoms of nasal valve collapse are very similar to issues that come along with other conditions, such as the common cold, sinusitis, and other physical ailments involving the nose. The most common symptoms include:

• Chronic congestion
• Nasal obstruction
• Breathing issues
• Reoccurring infection in extreme cases

Common Likely Causes:

A variety of issues can cause nasal valve collapse; anything that affects the nasal cavity can result in this condition. In a few cases, it could be hereditary. Studies have shown that it is more common for those born with a narrow nasal cavity or a projecting nose. The most common causes of nasal valve collapse include:

• Physical trauma to the nose or nasal cavity
• Inflammation due to illness or chronic allergies
• Weakened cartilage in the nose
• Enlarged tissue growth and scar tissue
• Issues arising after plastic surgery on the nose
• The aging process

Available Treatments

It’s essential to confirm your diagnosis before treatment can begin. While most people can assess what is happening, the true culprit could be another physical issue interfering with normal breathing, like a deviated septum, polyps, or enlarged turbinates. A nasal endoscopy will show the exact cause, taking the guesswork out of diagnosis. Treatments depend on the severity of the issue and general health issues. While surgery is the most common remedy, new advances in implant and radiofrequency treatments are becoming more common in restorative care for treating this malformation.

Contact your doctor immediately if you suspect you might be suffering from any abnormal nasal condition. Relief could be available for you right away.

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