News Archives - The New York Sinus Center

Treatment Options for Nasal and Sinus Symptoms

Nasal and Sinus Symptoms

Nasal and sinus symptoms can affect us at any point, and when they do, they can be debilitating. That’s why we are always searching for treatment options to address our […]

Get the Facts About Common Seasonal Allergies

Common Seasonal Allergies

As the temperature rises and the trees and flowers bloom, many individuals experience symptoms such as sniffles, sneezing, and itchy eyes. Dealing with allergies can be challenging and uncomfortable, but […]

Staying Ahead of Seasonal Allergies

Manage Seasonal Allergies

In 2023, over 65 million adults and 13 million children in the United States suffered from seasonal allergies. The lush subtropical and tropical climates of sunny Florida contribute to the […]

Dealing With Sinus Pain From Aerosinusitis


Air travel is a highly convenient and effective means of transportation, establishing accessibility to remote locations. Yet, for certain individuals, this experience may provoke discomfort and distress due to a […]

How To Get Relief From A Head Cold

Head Cold Relief

If you are experiencing significant nasal congestion and a headache, you are likely affected by a head cold. This discomfort is caused by swollen membranes in the nasal passages, which […]

The Types And Benefits Of Sinus Testing

Sinus Testing

Grasping the intricacies of sinus testing procedures is not just informative but also empowering for individuals grappling with persistent sinus and allergy symptoms. Delving into the array of sinus tests […]

How to Prevent and Reduce Sinusitis Symptoms

Preventing Sinusitis

When afflicted by allergic sinusitis or acquiring a sinus infection through alternative means, the ensuing impact on daily life can be substantial. If the condition worsens with no relief in […]

What You Should Know About Sinusitis

About Sinusitis

If you are experiencing pain and pressure in your facial area and finding it difficult to breathe through your nose. In that case, you may be suffering from sinusitis, also […]

Using Probiotics To Treat Sinus Infections

Probiotics and Sinusitis

Sinusitis, commonly known as sinus infections, can cause significant discomfort and inconvenience. This ailment results from the inflammation and blockage of the paranasal sinuses, which are empty spaces within the […]

Using Essential Oils to Treat Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic Sinusitis and Essential Oils

Chronic sinusitis is a common condition that affects millions each year, and it doesn’t discriminate when it comes to age or race. This condition entails inflammation and swelling of the […]