Deviated Septum: Symptoms and Treatment Options

Dealing With A Deviated Septum

Deviated Septum

While your nose is a prominent component of your face, few people give much thought to it unless there is an issue. People start paying attention when issues with the nasal passages create breathing problems. One of the most uncomfortable conditions that can affect the nasal passages is having a deviated septum. This article will discuss the possible causes of a deviated septum and what treatment options are available for this condition that could provide relief.

What Does the Septum Do?

Every part of the body plays a crucial role in your overall health. Your nose has a critical function for your body. It helps direct air through your nostrils, takes in smells, warms the cool air, and filters harmful germs and bacteria that can make you sick. When there are issues with the septum, it can affect any or all of these processes.

What are the Symptoms of a Deviated Septum?

Having a deviated septum can make your daily life miserable. Issues that occur as a result of a deviated septum include:

• Interrupted airflow
• Snoring while sleeping
• Congestion on either side of the nose
• Reoccurring sinus infections
• Restricted airflow and lack of quality sleep can lead to all sorts of problems for your health and lifestyle.

The Causes Of A Deviated Septum

Ideally, the septum is in a straight line up and down the nose and nasal cavity. When this structure is damaged or misaligned, health issues can arise as a result. Common causes of a deviated septum are developmental issues during childhood, physical trauma resulting in a broken or cracked nose, and particular cancerous growth. Seeking a medical professional for a diagnosis is the best way to find the root cause.

What are the Treatment Options?

It’s important to note that no matter the cause of your deviated septum, you will need a medical provider or doctor to correct this issue. Once you have had a physical examination of the nasal cavity, an ENT can help devise a treatment plan suited to your condition. Nonsurgical options could come in the form of nasal sprays, decongestants, or antihistamines. Surgery on the septum is called septoplasty and can be very invasive, so a medical professional is needed to help you determine the best course of action.

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