Common Symptoms of a Deviated Septum | Sinus Doctor NYC

Signs and Symptoms of a Deviated Septum

Common Deviated Septum Symptoms

Do you find yourself suffering from frequent colds, trouble breathing, loud snoring, or chronic sinusitis? The shape of your nasal cavity may be to blame. Your nasal septum consists of cartilage and bone, and this divides the nasal cavity into two halves. However, for many individuals, their nasal septum is crooked or off centered, and this can create an imbalance that can make a simple task such as breathing difficult. For some, their deviated septum does not cause any issues with congestion or their breathing, but for others, they can experience life-altering symptoms that can restrict their ability to breath.

Having a deviated septum can certainly reduce the quality of your life. They can also have issues sleeping and this can lead to sleep apnea, as well as other health conditions. Take a look at some of the most common deviated septum symptoms that you should be aware of:

• Frequent colds
• Frequent sinus infections
• Blockage of one or both nostrils
• Problems sleeping
• Difficulty breathing
• Frequent nasal congestion (this can be one-sided)
• Postnasal drip
• Facial pain
• Headaches
• Snoring
• Frequent nosebleeds

A person can be born with a deviated septum, or it can develop from receiving blunt force trauma to the nose (remember that day in gym class?). However, individuals who snore, have frequent sinus infections, or have trouble sleeping are at risk of having a deviated septum. Luckily, having a deviated septum is a condition that can be addressed and corrected in those who have a serious case with a type of surgery called septoplasty. Otherwise, for those individuals who have a minor case, there are medications available to help reduce your symptoms.

Don’t let a deviated septum reduce your quality of life. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms and believe it’s a deviated septum to blame, make an appointment with your local ENT physician today.

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