Common Indoor Allergens and How to Avoid Them

Common Indoor Allergens and How to Avoid Them

Common Indoor Allergens

Did you know that you can experience more allergic symptoms indoors can than being outside? While most of us prefer to be inside our warm, cozy homes during the winter, indoor allergens can put a damper on your day. Worse of all, indoor allergens can be mistaken for a cold. This can make things worse since the treatment method is different, so this can lead to overmedication, on top of receiving incorrect treatment. If your allergies remain untreated, they can lead to sinusitis or a sinus infection. However, knowing about the common indoor allergens can help you allergy-proof your home.

If you want to help minimize your chances of being affected by indoor allergens, you need to know what to look for so you can remain vigilant. Learn more about the common indoor allergens, and how you can avoid them.

Pollen– Both pets and people can bring pieces of the outdoors inside with them, especially pollen. It’s easy to track pollen inside since it can rest on your shoes or clothes and come with you into the house. To help avoid tracking pollen inside the home, remove your shoes and jackets as soon as you enter your home. For pets, make sure you wipe them down each time they return from the outdoors to help remove any allergens. Also, keeping the windows closed and investing in an air purifier can make a huge impact.

Pets– While you love your pet, they are a member of the family. After all, sometimes, the dander that they shed can cause allergic reactions. Some dogs produce more dander than others, and while there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog, certain breeds are better than others. If you are planning on getting a dog, spend about 30 minutes or more around the breed you wish to get and watch for any allergy symptoms.

Mold– The inhalation of mold spores is common during the winter since everyone is hibernating at home. However, breathing in mold can cause symptoms of asthma and allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Mold can live in the heating duct, and dark, damp environments. Basements, bathtubs, and showers are common breeding grounds for mold, so make sure you clean any mold growth thoroughly. Get rid of mold on ducts with help from Air Duct Cleaning Torrance. However, if you ever find mold growth that spans an area larger than 10 square feet, enlist the help of a professional.

Dust Mites– According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, dust mites are considered to be the most common asthma and allergy trigger. Dust mites thrive in spaces that have a temperature above 70 degrees and are above 40% humidity. Dust mites can be found anywhere, but dust mites like soft furnishings and bedding the most. So to help guard against them, purchase allergen-proof encasings for box springs, pillows, as well as your mattresses. When vacuuming, use a vacuum that has a HEPA filter and make sure you wash your linens every seven to ten days in 130-degree temperatures.

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