Natural Ways to Relieve Nasal Congestion Without Drugs

Natural Ways to Help Alleviate Sinus Congestion

Natural Ways to Relieve Nasal Congestion
Sinus congestion can be a bothersome issue for many. However, for some, it can lead to serious medical conditions. Nasal congestion arises when the blood vessels and tissues in the nasal passages become filled with excess fluid, leading to swelling. Although treatments such as antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines are available, there may be better choices. For instance, the CDC reported that antibiotics may not be the optimal solution for a sinus or ear infection and could result in antibiotic resistance. An FDA advisory panel unanimously consented that oral phenylephrine, an everyday over-the-counter decongestant, is not effective. If you are searching for natural ways to relieve nasal congestion, here are some natural products you can try to help you feel better. However, always consult a medical professional for advice about your health and treatment options.

What are the Natural Ways to Relieve Nasal Congestion?

Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is especially important when dealing with sinus congestion. It helps to promote drainage. However, it’s best to avoid drinks that can cause dehydration, such as alcohol and caffeine. Dairy products should also be avoided as they can thicken mucus. Sugary drinks can worsen inflammation. Cold beverages can temporarily constrict nose and throat blood vessels, worsening congestion symptoms. Therefore, it’s advisable to stick to warm or room-temperature liquids.

Flushing Sinuses

One of the other natural ways to relieve nasal congestion is to use a saline spray, or by rinsing your sinuses with salt water using a Neti pot. Before and after use, cleaning the Neti pot thoroughly by rinsing it with distilled or boiled water is important. While flushing your sinuses, use only distilled or boiled water that has cooled to ensure safety is crucial.

Cleaning the Air

If you are experiencing congestion because of allergies, it is essential to ensure that the air in your home is free from common triggers such as pollen, dust, pet dander, and mold spores. To achieve this, rely on a trustworthy air purifier with high-efficiency air filters and a robust motor. Run the purifier in the room where you spend most of your time during the day, such as the living room or your home office. Move the purifier into your bedroom at night to help improve your sleep.

Use Eucalyptus

Add eucalyptus oil to hot water to relieve congestion, ease a sore throat, and inhale the vapors. Eucalyptus tea can also be helpful in this regard. Eucalyptus is a key ingredient in cough drops because it acts as an expectorant and relieves the sinuses. Additionally, it contains antioxidants that are beneficial for your immune system.

Dealing with Pollen

If you suffer from allergies generated by pollen, such as hay fever, you may experience nasal congestion. To alleviate your symptoms, we recommend reducing your exposure to allergens. One way to achieve this is by removing your shoes before entering your home. Changing your clothes, brushing your hair, washing your face, or even showering can also be helpful. Pollen can also cause allergies around your eyes, so keeping them clean is essential. Regularly washing your sheets and pillowcases can also be beneficial. Additionally, it is advisable to keep your windows shut to stop pollen from entering your house.

Spicy Foods

If you’re looking for a natural way to clear your sinuses, try eating spicy foods that contain horseradish, mustard, or wasabi. Another option is to try a spicy tomato-based drink known as tomato tea. Mix tomato juice, chopped garlic, a splash of lemon juice, and hot sauce. You can also add some pepper to enhance the flavor for an added kick.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is beneficial for dry eyes. Moreover, a study conducted in Denmark revealed that pregnant women with asthma and allergies who took fish oil had children with lower allergic reactions. Omega 3 fatty acids have also been shown to benefit your cardiovascular and blood systems.


Peppermint has many benefits that can help alleviate nasal congestion and reduce inflammation in the nose. One of these benefits is its menthol content, which acts as a natural decongestant. Peppermint can also improve blood flow and open nasal passages, which may help relieve sinus-related headaches. Over-the-counter treatments like peppermint oil and cough drops contain peppermint and can be helpful. Additionally, sipping on a warm cup of peppermint herbal tea can help soothe a sore or scratchy throat and ease congestion.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Scientific research on the benefits of apple cider vinegar for sinus problems is limited. However, some people believe it can help thin mucus, making it easier to expel. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to an 8 oz cup of hot water or tea to make a drink. Many add honey to balance out the taste.


Turmeric, a spice found in many curry dishes, is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It contains curcumin, which can help heal sinus passages and reduce congestion.

Vitamin C

It is recommended to obtain vitamin C by consuming whole fruits rich in vitamin C, such as oranges or pineapples. This is due to their ability to enhance the immune system and mitigate the risk of sinus infections.

Oregano Oil

Oregano has numerous health benefits, such as aiding digestion and fighting infections. It is beneficial for sinus infections due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, and antiviral properties. There are various ways to use oregano, including enjoying a cup of oregano tea or properly diluting oregano oil for topical application.


Garlic is an herb that can reduce congestion caused by colds. Some preliminary studies have suggested it may also be an effective antibacterial agent. Garlic can help thin mucus, provide immune system support, and reduce the severity of infection symptoms. Try cooking garlic with your favorite vegetables for a healthy meal and enjoy its benefits.

Elevated Head While Sleeping

Sinus congestion can be frustrating and uncomfortable when it interferes with sleep. When you lie down, your head’s position can impact the mucus flow in your sinuses. As a result, you may experience difficulty breathing, snoring, or wake up with a headache. Elevating your head is an effective way to prevent sinus congestion while sleeping. By raising your head above the level of your heart, you create a more favorable angle for the mucus to flow out of your sinuses and into your nose.

Acupuncture and Sinus Pressure Points

A few pressure points on your face can be massaged or pressed for a minute to relieve pressure. One is between your eyebrows above the bridge of your nose; the other is at the top portion of your nose, just below the peak of your eyebrows. You can also massage the soft and sore areas below your eyes to relieve pressure around your cheeks. Although scientific research on the benefits of acupuncture is limited, some people find relief from sinus symptoms after an acupuncture session. Acupuncture improves circulation, reduces stress, relieves pain, and helps with headaches, pressure, pain, and nasal congestion.

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