Turbinate Reduction Surgery: Treatment for Enlarged Turbinates

Discover the Advantages of Turbinate Reduction Surgery

Turbinate Reduction Surgery

Within the nasal passages are small bony and soft tissue structures known as turbinates. These structures are crucial in supporting the nasal passages and purifying the air entering the airway. However, when they become swollen or inflamed, they can cause air to move more slowly through the nose, leading to common sinus problems. Fortunately, this condition can be treated effectively with turbinate reduction surgery.

What is Turbinate Reduction Surgery?

Before considering turbinate reduction surgery to alleviate breathing difficulties caused by enlarged turbinates, it’s imperative to verify the presence of chronic turbinate hypertrophy. It’s worth noting that alternative, less invasive treatments can be equally effective for similar conditions. In fact, surgery may not be necessary in cases of acute turbinate hypertrophy if symptoms can be mitigated by eliminating environmental factors or treating underlying conditions such as allergies.

The Root Causes of Turbinate Hypertrophy

Inferior turbinate hypertrophy is a condition where the turbinates become enlarged, resulting in a persistent stuffy nose. This may cause accompanying symptoms such as headaches and facial pain or pressure. Common causes of this condition include nasal allergies, vasomotor rhinitis, or a deviated septum. Chemical irritants can also trigger this condition, but chronic swelling may not occur unless there is sufficient exposure to such irritants. Those who suffer from chronic turbinate hypertrophy experience difficulty breathing and ongoing nasal congestion, as well as other symptoms like loss of taste or smell, fatigue, nasal drip, mouth breathing, snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, and morning muscular aches.

The Advantages of Reducing Turbinates

If you experience difficulty breathing through your nose, consider getting a turbinate reduction. This procedure offers several advantages, such as reducing sinus headaches, improving sleep, restoring your sense of smell, enhancing airflow, minimizing common sinus conditions, providing fast recovery, and leaving no visible scars since the surgery is performed inside the nostrils. In addition, it can also decrease postnasal drip.

Treatment for Turbinate Reduction

It is essential to address sinus problems that affect your breathing and airways. To treat any structural issues with your nose, your doctor may suggest turbinate reduction therapy, septoplasty, or rhinoplasty. The recovery period will depend on your specific requirements. If you have any concerns about turbinate reduction surgeries, please reach out to our sinus specialists in New York. We can offer more details and arrange an appointment with our office.

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