Sinusitis And Asthma: What's the Connection?

The Connection Between Sinusitis and Asthma

Sinusitis And Asthma

It is not uncommon for a person to experience both asthma and sinusitis simultaneously. One may even trigger the other, while individuals with asthma may be more prone to developing sinusitis. Those with severe asthma are particularly at risk of developing sinusitis. This article explores the connection between these two conditions, outlines available treatments, and advises when it is necessary to seek medical attention.

The Link Between Sinusitis And Asthma

Studies have shown that a significant percentage of individuals with asthma, ranging from 22% to 45%, may develop chronic sinusitis. Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies sinusitis as a potential asthma symptom trigger. When someone with asthma contracts sinusitis, it can intensify their symptoms and make them more challenging to control.

Common symptoms include:

• Wheezing
• Coughing
• Chest tightness
• Shortness of breath

Asthma Treatment Options

If someone is dealing with asthma and sinusitis, they can collaborate with a healthcare provider to create a suitable treatment strategy. There are several treatments are available for asthma, some for the quick relief of asthma symptoms during an asthma attack and other long-term treatments to help reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks.

Reliever inhaler: During an asthma attack, inhalers usually contain short-acting beta2-agonists (SABAs) that help to open the airways.
Corticosteroids: Can help to lessen swelling in the airways.
Short-acting anticholinergics: Can quickly widen your airways when experiencing an asthma attack.
Corticosteroids: Can help to relieve inflammation in the body.
Long-acting bronchodilators: Incorporating medications such as LABAs or LAMAs into an inhaler effectively alleviates the constriction of airways.
Allergy shots: Immunotherapy to help reduce the effects of allergens on your body.

Sinusitis and Asthma Treatment Options

If someone experiences sinusitis, they can use over-the-counter medications and home remedies to alleviate the symptoms. However, if the symptoms persist, seeking medical advice from a healthcare professional is recommended.

• Resting
• Drinking plenty of fluids
• Pain relievers
• Steam inhalation
• Quitting cigarettes, if applicable
• Avoiding allergic triggers
• Saline nasal rinse
• Decongestant nasal sprays or drops
• Salt water nasal sprays
• Steroid nasal sprays
• Antihistamines if due to an allergy
• Antibiotics if due to a bacterial infection

When It’s Time to Visit a Doctor

Maintaining regular checkups and informing your healthcare provider of any frequent or severe asthma attacks you experience is crucial. If you encounter symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, or persistent coughing and wheezing, it is imperative to seek immediate medical attention.

It is imperative that you immediately contact 911 or proceed to the emergency room if you encounter any of the subsequent asthma symptoms:

• Taking breaths 30 or more times in one minute
• Nails or lips turning blue
• Flaring nostrils on inhaling breath
• Skin located between the ribs or at the base of the throat stretches every inhale
• Walking or talking becomes extremely difficult

If someone has repeated sinus infections or experiences any of the following symptoms, they should speak with a healthcare professional:

• Severe headaches or facial plain
• Symptoms last longer than 10 days or grow more severe after improvement
• Severe fever that lasts longer than 4 days

Studies show that there is a connection between asthma and sinusitis, with up to 45% of individuals with asthma also having chronic sinusitis. Sinusitis can even initiate asthma symptoms. Luckily, various medications such as antihistamines and steroid nasal sprays can alleviate the symptoms of both conditions. If you are experiencing sinusitis or asthma issues, make sure to contact a medical specialist that can help you find relief.

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