Allergic Asthma: What are the Current Treatment Options?

The Facts About Allergic Asthma

Allergic Asthma

Asthmatic conditions affect almost 25 million Americans. 60% of them have allergic asthma. Allergic asthma shares the same symptoms and reactions as other forms of asthma; it’s the triggering event that is different. This article will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatments for allergic asthma to help you know the difference and locate treatment options.

What are the Most Commonly Reported Symptoms of Asthma?

The condition known as asthma is a long-term lung disease that is characterized by hyper-responsiveness of the tissues in the airway of the lungs due to a sensitivity to irritants. Airborne particulates that are typically benign become triggers of attack when some people’s immune system overreacts and treats these substances as a foreign attack. The only difference between allergy-induced and typical asthma is the triggering event that starts an attack.

The Most Common Symptoms Include:

• Difficulty Breathing/ tightness in the chest
• Persistent and chronic coughing
• Runny nose/ constant sneezing

Symptoms of a Severe Attack Include:

• Severe breathing issues
• Rapid heart rate
• Difficulty performing everyday activities like talking and walking
• Feelings of anxiety and panic due to lack of air
• Rescue medication is ineffective at reducing symptoms within 10 to 15 minutes
• Pale or bluish color of the fingernails or lips
• Acute pain in the chest

Severe allergy attacks should be seen by a doctor at once, especially if asthma medications are not having any effect. If left untreated severe attacks can be life-threatening.

What are the Known Causes of Allergic Asthma?

Just like everyday asthma, the root cause of allergic asthma remains unidentified. In each case, the onset of symptoms varies from patient to patient; for some, it appears to be genetic; for others, it shows up after environmental damage of some kind. However, the symptoms and features of an attack remain the same. For those with allergic asthma, the triggering event happens when they are exposed to their allergy. Common allergens include:

• Pollen
• Mold spores
• Dust
• Mites and insect residue
• Animal hair and dander (skin cells)

What are the Current Treatment Options?

While there is still no known cure for any form of asthma, there are two main lines of defense against an attack. The first is in the form of on-hand medical treatments taken at the onset, and the second is avoiding or reducing exposure. Medications most commonly prescribed for allergic asthma include:

• Immunomodulators
• Corticosteroid inhalers
• SABAs (short-acting beta agonists)
• LABAs (long-acting beta agonists)

It’s easier to deal with allergic asthma on a day-to-day basis with avoidance or reduction of allergen exposure. But, before avoiding exposure, you need to know precisely what you are allergic to. A simple allergy test performed by your doctor can tell you exactly what your triggers are. Once you know, you can take the steps needed to eliminate or reduce the allergens in your home and environment. Some of the solutions allergy sufferers have used include:

• Replacing air filters for central air systems and vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters to help improve air quality
• Use dust covers for bedding and furniture, and wash regularly
• Keep windows and doors shut during your allergy season
• Keep feathered and fur-covered animals out of your home, if possible
• Take out carpets and rugs that can harbor allergens
• Control moisture with a de-humidifier and fix leaks at once

While it’s essential to maintain medications and avoidance measures, these can sometimes fail. Establish an action plan for worse-case scenarios, including what to do if emergency medical help is needed. Make sure to speak with your doctor about how to start if you are unsure.

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