School Allergy Tips for Kids with Allergies and Asthma

Back-to-School Allergy Tips

It’s that time of year again, school is back in session, and for some kids with asthma and allergies, this can exacerbate their symptoms. Avoiding back to school germs can be hard enough, but when kids go back to school, they are faced with allergic triggers that they may not encounter at home. These allergic triggers in the classroom can cause some children to experience asthma and allergy symptoms. When kids are in the classroom, lunchroom, and on the playing field, they are often exposed to allergens that may cause their immune system to overreact. Luckily, with these helpful school allergy tips, you can be prepared this school year.

The back-to-school season for kids with allergies and asthma can be a terrible time of year. Asthma attacks and allergic symptoms can easily pull a child away from their classwork and school activities. To help keep your child focused this season, check out these helpful back-to-school allergy tips.

Identify the Triggers– Discuss your child’s potential allergy and asthma triggers with the school administrators and teacher(s). Especially if they are life-threatening. Pinpointing some of the possible triggers can help you come up with a defense strategy, lowering the chances of an allergic reaction or asthma attack.

Talk to Your Child– Since you cannot identify all possible triggers beforehand, talk to your child and ask them to inform you if something gives them itchy eyes, a runny nose, or other allergy symptoms. Maybe there’s a pet in the classroom, or something in the restroom is setting them off. Chalkdust and other strong odors in the school can also act as an irritant.

Inform the Teachers– When your child has asthma or allergies, it is crucial to let the teaching staff know. Including their gym teachers, since allergic reactions and exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) are possible threats during physical education. Ensure that all of your child’s teachers know what to do in case of an allergic or asthma-related event.

Prepare Your Child/Teachers– Ensure that your child knows how to properly handle their medications, especially if they have a severe case of asthma or allergies. Emergencies can happen, so talk to your child about how to handle emergencies if they occur. If your child needs to have an auto-injected epinephrine pen available, be sure your child and the school staff know how to use it.

Create a Reference Card– Going one step further than just talking to your child’s teachers and the administrative staff is to make an allergy reference card. Give this card to the school nurse and anyone else who would need it. On this card include your child’s triggers and reactions, medication information, medication allergies (if any), the physicians’ contact information, your contact information, as well as your backup emergency-contact person’s information.

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