Christmas Cold and a Sinus Infection: A Seasonal Guide for Nasal Issues

How to Tell the Difference Between a Christmas Cold and a Sinus Infection: A Seasonal Guide for Nasal Issues

Christmas Cold and a Sinus Infection

The beginning winter months signal the start of the Holiday Season. Celebrations and Gatherings bring with them the warmth of family and friends as we exchange gifts and share meals. Unfortunately, it also means the onset of flu season, and one of the most given “gifts” is the Winter Bug, also known as a Christmas Cold. The cold weather, along with the typical stress associated with the holidays, can help to weaken our immune systems, making us vulnerable to various viruses or bacterial infections. Most of the time is just some form of the common cold. However, due to the hectic pace of planning and preparing for holidays, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a Christmas cold and a sinus infection. Since both conditions share many symptoms, it can be hard to tell which is which. Fortunately, we have put together a guide to help you navigate your illness to help you back on the road to health this holiday season.

How to Tell the Difference Between a Christmas Cold and a Sinus Infection?

First off, let’s look at what they have in common. In the beginning, symptoms include:

• Scratchy, sore throat
• Headache
• Stuffy or a runny nose
• Fatigue
• Low-grade fever
• Coughing
• Swollen sinuses
• Diminished sense of smell

The best thing to do initially is to try over-the-counter or home remedies. Dealing with it at the very onset of symptoms can help reduce the chances of a simple cold developing into a full-blown sinus infection.

• Use over-the-counter medications as directed, and make sure to choose one that matches up with your symptoms. There are hundreds of products to choose from, so make sure to read the packaging carefully.

• Drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated. Doing this can help your system flush out any minor issues early before they can take hold.

• Do not underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Getting adequate rest is actually the best thing you can do to help your body fight off illness.

• Home remedies like neti pots, oil of oregano, or fresh thyme can help alleviate symptoms individually, providing temporary relief to discomforts.

If symptoms persist or grow worse over time, make sure to see a medical professional for help. Like with many situations, timing is everything. As symptoms develop or worsen, including:

• Higher fever
• Earaches
• Pain in the upper jaw and teeth
• Severe pressure in the sinuses; behind the eyes, nose, jaw, or ears.
• Symptoms lasting more than ten days or worsen over that time.

Sinus infections can only be treated effectively with antibiotics; however, taking them too soon can do more harm than good. Scheduling an appointment with a medical professional after a week or so can help improve your recovery time considerably and help you get back to the festivities of the holiday season.

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