Halloween with Allergies: Tips and Tricks for a Safe and Fun Halloween

Tips and Tricks for a Safe and Fun Halloween with Asthma and Allergies

Halloween with Allergies

Another Halloween is almost here. Millions of families will participate in a glorious night of fake scares, spooky stories, outlandishly creepy decorations, and of course, trick-or-treating. Celebrating themes of ghosts, goblins, and things from the darker side of the culture, all of it is meant as good fun. However, for those living with asthma or allergies, Halloween can be a genuinely frightful experience. Many triggers lurk over this holiday, and being aware and prepared can go a long way to ensure the party isn’t ruined. One way to have fun without the risk of allergens outdoors is to consider indoor jumping castle hire melbourne, offering a safe, festive option for the little ones. So in the spirit of the holiday, here are some tips and tricks to help you have a great Halloween with allergies and asthma.

Halloween with Allergies: Tips and Tricks for a Safe and Fun Halloween

Tip: Plan Ahead

Make sure you know your route; if you are trick-or-treating, look for outdoor triggers like piles of leaves or firepits. Porches that are deeply recessed or covered with elaborate decoration can hide potential allergens that could induce an attack. If you plan to attend a party, or two, make sure to talk to the organizer to get a better idea of what to expect from the environment.

Trick: Wearing a medical ID bracelet or neckless can be a lifesaver if all else goes wrong.

Tip: Inspect Costumes for Safety

These days costumes can be made from just about anything and come from anywhere. Many store-bought costumes can contain irritants and allergens such as nickel and latex. Make sure to read labels and instructions for new costumes. Older and custom-made costumes can also present issues for asthma and allergy sufferers, such as dust and mold. Make sure to inspect, test, thoroughly clean, and air out older or custom costumes to help eliminate allergens.

Trick: Store costumes in an airtight container. If you plan on keeping them to use again, make sure to store them in an airtight bin or vacuum bag to help prevent the collection of mold and dust.

Tip: Be Alert for Indoor and Outdoor Triggers

Halloween is not only a time where people get dressed up; many people also decorate their environment in outlandish ways. Both inside and out, potential triggers can be anywhere. Be on the lookout for smoke machines, dry ice, fire pits, and anything else that might cause issues.

Trick: Send in a scout; that way, one can proceed ahead of the group and ensure that the coast is clear. Having a backup can help curtail problems as they might arise. Having at least two parents with groups of children is always a good idea.

Tip: Always Inspect Candy and Treats

For many, the best parts of Halloween are the candy and the treats. However, the fun can be quickly spoiled if suitable precautions are not taken. Make sure to look over goodies for any potential allergens or asthmatic triggers. Read all labels on packaged treats, and always ask about the ingredients of homemade concoctions.

Trick: Take some treats and goodies known to be safe on hand, so no one has to feel left out of the fun.

Tip: Include Medications

Taking medications with you like epi-pens, inhalers, or antihistamines, could be vital if things go wrong. Being without could spell the difference between a close call or a disaster.

Trick: Choose costumes that have pockets or places to carry medications. Having a place to hold medication is almost as crucial as taking it with you in the first place.

Tip: Check the Weather

Watch the weather reports for your area leading up to and on Halloween. That way, you can make changes to your plans or costume to accommodate.

Trick: Be sure to check U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Air Quality Index for your location at www.airnow.gov

Tip: Be Safe And Have Fun

Halloween should be all about spooky fun and great times, and being ready for issues can make that a reality. We hope our tips and tricks help you have a safe and fun Halloween.

Trick: Look for teal pumpkins and decorations; this means they have non-food treats available and are allergy-aware households.

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