Allergy-Free Halloween: How to be Safe if You Suffer From Allergies

6 Ways to Have a Safe and Allergy-Free Halloween

Allergy-Free Halloween
While Halloween is a fun and exciting holiday, that doesn’t mean there aren’t dangers lurking in the shadows. For those with severe environmental or food allergies, this joyful celebration comes with its fair share of risks that can prove to be ‘tricky.’ However, with a bit of knowledge and preparation, you can limit the chances of unwanted allergic symptoms from occurring. If you want to keep your Halloween allergy-free, check out these helpful tips that will allow for you and your family to have a safe, fun-filled allergy-free Halloween.

1. When you are unpacking your Halloween decorations and costumes, make sure you take the time to thoroughly clean the items before putting them out for display or before they are worn. More than likely, since the items were stored for about a year, there’s a good chance that your items may be full of mold and dust.

2. Be sure to read the labels on every piece of costume clothing, masks, and accessories. Latex and nickel are common allergens that are often present, so make sure you are on the lookout. This mode of thinking also goes for Halloween makeup. Don’t make a rash decision to purchase that zombie face paint set, be sure to check all of the labels first to help reduce the chances of an unwanted allergic reaction.

3. Remember that being outdoors can trigger allergies and asthma, so don’t leave the house unprepared. With Halloween occurring during the fall, this means being outdoors during mold season. Mold is a common trigger, so be sure to keep that in mind before you head outside. Also, here in New York Halloween can be cold, so make sure you and your loved ones wear layers and dress appropriately for the weather. Cold temperatures can make asthma and allergies worse.

4. If you or your child’s allergies are severe and life-threatening, make sure you don’t leave the house without an epinephrine pen. Being ready and cautious is always best because you never know when an emergency could occur! Being outdoors can increase the risk of anaphylaxis due to the combination of allergy triggers and physical activity, so if you are out trick-or-treating, it is imperative that you leave the house prepared.

5. If your child has food allergies, make sure you read the labels thoroughly first before consumption. Sometimes you can find allergens that you wouldn’t expect, and miniature size candies can contain different ingredients from the full-sized versions. In some cases, even touching an allergen can trigger a reaction so don’t let your child reach into candy bowls if they have severe allergies. To help prevent this, carry wipes or incorporate gloves into the costume.

6. To help with the temptation of candy while trick-or-treating; make sure you and your family eat before you head out. If it’s dark outside, it may be hard to see your little one sneaking sweets into their mouths. Also, if you travel with snacks, you can help prevent the temptation of eating candy while you are out for an allergy-free Halloween. Remember, it’s not uncommon to get hungry during physical activity!

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