You May Be Suffering from Laryngitis: How to Know the Signs

Can’t Stop Coughing? Laryngitis Could Be the Culprit

Spring is rapidly approaching, and we are still in the middle of the cold and flu season – even though mother nature can’t seem to make up her mind about the weather! During the winter season and early spring, suffering from laryngitis is a common occurrence that affects many. Viral laryngitis is very contagious and can be passed around the same way as the common cold and flu. In fact, laryngitis often begins as a cold or a sore throat, and then travels down to the voice box, where it irritates the vocal cords and the surrounding tissues.

Suffering from Laryngitis

If you have a sore throat or have a coughing fit that lasts more than a week, or have any of the following symptoms, it is time to make an appointment with your ENT specialist.

• Hoarseness or raspy voice; voice is deeper than usual
• Have a voice that easily breaks
• Lost your voice
• Swollen glands
• Have a fever
• Constant deep and raspy coughing
• Have a dry or a sore throat
• Throat is raw or ‘tickles’
• Experiencing shortness of breath
• Have difficulty swallowing
• See small traces of blood in your saliva

There are multiple causes for laryngitis, however, the cold or flu virus is the most common cause. However, acid reflux can be the cause of chronic laryngitis, or it could also be from allergies, smoking, or from steroid medications that are inhaled to treat asthma. In addition, if you overuse your voice or are not using your voice properly, that can also cause laryngitis to form. While each case is different, and may require a different treatment, there are remedies that you can do to help curb the symptoms and get you back onto the road to recovery.

• Set up a humidifier
• Stop constant throat clearing
• Rest your voice
• Avoid whispering as this can put more strain on your vocal cords
• Stop smoking
• Stop drinking alcohol
• Gargle with warm salt water
• Stay hydrated
• Add soothing ingredients to your beverage, such as ginger, honey or lemon
• Suck on lemon or honey flavored lozenges

Luckily, most common cases of suffering from laryngitis can be treated at home. However, if you have a fever, experience extreme pain, or if your condition is not improving or has not disappeared within 10 to 14 days, it is time to consult your doctor. If you believe you are suffering from laryngitis, make an appointment with your ENT specialist today.

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