Allergies As You Age: Can Allergies Diminish With Age?

Can Allergies Diminish With Age?

Allergies As You Age

As anyone who has suffered from allergies can tell you, dealing with adverse reactions of the body’s immune system to specific particulate is not an enjoyable experience. From seasonal allergies triggered by pollen and organic sources to food allergies that must be guarded against relentlessly, allergies significantly impact the lives of people who have them. One of the most common questions allergy sufferers have is, “how does age affect allergies?” To the chagrin of patients hoping for an easy answer, the actual answer is it depends. It turns out there are many variables and factors when dealing with allergies in the long term. This article will cover the causes, symptoms, and long-term treatment options that could help lessen the effect of allergies as you age.

What are the Causes of Allergies?

While the biological causes that create allergic reactions are not well known, the triggering mechanism has been studied for years. The root source is the immune system itself. What is known as “allergies” is an overreaction of the immune system to various organic substances, which defines each type of allergy. The immune system becomes triggered when it detects a hostile particulate; the problem is when normally benign substances trigger this reaction.

What are the Most Common Symptoms of Allergies?

When the body responds to an allergen, the reaction’s severity equals the sensitivity of the person’s immune system. For people with seasonal allergies, common symptoms include:

• Watery eyes
• Runny nose
• Sinusitis
• Sneezing

Food allergy sufferers’ primary reaction is anaphylactic shock, making reactions much more severe.

What Factors Can Help Reduce the Effect of Allergies?

Most people’s allergies will last their lifetime if no changes are made. In order to effectively treat allergies, the immune system has to be targeted. While things like antihistamines and nasal irrigators can provide relief for the short term, their effects do not help in the long run. If you want to see improvement with your allergies, the root cause must be addressed directly.

How to Strengthen Your Immune System for the Long Haul?

The first step to reducing allergies is to have a robust immune system. While this might sound paradoxical, the reason there is a reaction in the first place is due to it being weakened. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to boost it and help lessen the effects of allergies.

• Increase your intake of immune-healthy vitamins like Vitamins A, C, E, and Quercetin. Vitamins A, C, and Quercetin can be found in foods like leafy greens, peppers, and carrots; the best source of Vitamin E is found in raw almonds.
• Reducing sugar or dairy in your diet can also help lessen reactions over time. These foods make the body more acidic and thus contributing to the weakening of the immune system.
• Getting plenty of good sleep and regular exercise also strengthens the immune system to a significant degree—good heart health and blood circulation help to renew the immune system.
• Avoid stress and overwork; these activities force the immune system to work overtime, attempting to keep up with the load, thus severely weakening it in the process.

Ultimately, there is no guarantee that you can eliminate your allergies with age. But you can give your immune system a fighting chance by strengthening it over time. Maintaining a proper diet and good exercise will help a lot. Make sure to talk to your doctor or allergen specialist about steps you can take to lessen the effects of allergens.

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