Nonallergic Rhinitis: Get the Facts About Nonallergic Rhinitis

The Facts About Nonallergic Rhinitis

Nonallergic Rhinitis

Rhinitis is a medical condition characterized by inflammation and swelling of the nasal passages. This condition is responsible for a variety of symptoms, including nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy, runny nose, and postnasal drip. Almost everyone undergoes rhinitis at least once during their life. Episodes of rhinitis can result from respiratory tract infections caused by viruses responsible for the common cold, overuse of certain medications or drugs, specific medical conditions, and other factors. We will focus on the facts about nonallergic rhinitis, its symptoms, its causes, and what you can do if you are experiencing nonallergic rhinitis.

Defining Nonallergic Rhinitis

Overall there are two types of rhinitis, allergic and nonallergic. Besides the differences in root causes, allergic rhinitis is considered chronic or seasonal, while nonallergic rhinitis is usually a one-off. Here are some of the most common symptoms of rhinitis.

• Congestion that lasts longer than two weeks
• Constant nasal irritation and sneezing
• Chronic runny nose and postnasal drip

What are the Different Types of Rhinitis?

While the sources and triggers of allergic and nonallergic rhinitis differ, almost half of the patients suffering from chronic nasal complaints have both types of rhinitis. Rhinitis types are classified by the actual trigger or source of the condition.

Cold Air Rhinitis

Also known as Skier’s nose, this type of rhinitis happens when exposed to colder temperatures, and the production of mucus increases.

Senile Rhinitis

Atrophic rhinitis, or Senile rhinitis, is when moisture production is inadequate due to surgery, damage, or aging.

Gustatory Rhinitis

As the name suggests, this type of rhinitis is associated with eating. Nasal discharge begins after heating either heated or spicy foods. In a few cases, this condition is caused by low-nutrient foods or specific food chemicals.

Rhinitis Medicamentosa

When over-the-counter medications or illicit drugs, such as cocaine, are over-used, rhinitis can result. It should be noted that this does not happen with glucocorticoid steroid sprays.

What are the Treatment Options?

There are several options for treatment and prevention. However, since rhinitis is a lifelong condition, treatment options that become a daily habit or a permanent part of your lifestyle have the best chance of success.

Exposure Avoidance

Truly the first line of defense, avoidance of airborne irritants like smoke, perfumes, scented products, pollutants, allergens, and irritants, especially in the home, can go a long way to reducing symptoms and providing relief.


Fortunately, daily use of a prescribed nasal spray can provide fast-acting long-lasting relief. Used alone or in a combination of medications, people suffering from nonallergic rhinitis benefit from the use of glucocorticoid and antihistamine nasal sprays.

Nasal Irrigation and Rinses

Probably the cheapest and easiest treatment option is rinsing with a simple saline solution (salt water). Using a nettie pot or irrigator to flush out irritants and moisturize the sinuses is particularly helpful for dry sinuses and postnasal drip.

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