Sinusitis And Fall Allergies: Symptoms and How to Deal

Dealing With Sinusitis And Fall Allergies

Sinusitis And Fall Allergies

The changing of the seasons has arrived again, bringing cooler weather and an increase in allergy symptoms. For many, the shift in the color of leaves comes with the onset of sinusitis And fall allergies. It’s estimated that over 30 million American experience allergic responses in the autumn due to adverse immune system reactions known as allergies. The issue arises from this reaction, as the immune system overreacts to the normally benign substances as invaders and releases a host of biochemicals, including histamines, that cause all the symptoms associated with allergies.

Common Symptoms of Sinusitis and Fall Allergies

• Sneezing
• Coughing
• Post-nasal drip
• Fatigue
• Congestion
• Itchiness around the eyes, nose, mouth, and throat
• Dark circles around the eyes
• Asthma attacks

You don’t have to look very far regarding culprits for the rise of allergy attacks and hay fever during the fall. Many different species of plants produce more pollen as the weather drops. In North America, the seventeen varieties of ragweed would seem to have the most impact. But plants aren’t the only source of fall allergies; as the temperature drops, molds and other bacteria seek suitable environments in order to reproduce spores before winter.

Proven Methods to Help Reduce Exposure to Allergens

Not everyone is born with allergies; many people develop hay fever and sinusitis as they age. Once the symptoms of allergic reactions start, the general consensus is they will return year after year. Experts, mainly allergy sufferers, recommend combining various treatments and coping methods and starting them early before symptoms arise. Fortunately, there are many effective ways to reduce exposure and minimize attacks. We have gathered some of the most effective methods you can use to help with your fall allergies.

Install HEPA Filters in Your Vents and Vacuum Cleaner

Make your home a safe zone from pollen and mold by using a filter to clean the air and trap any airborne before they can cause issues.

Thoroughly Clean Your Home Before Allergy Season

It’s easier to keep your home clean when allergens are not allowed to build up. Getting into the corners and cleaning out dust and grime helps to reduce mold growth and allergens in the home.

Wash Up Often When Coming in From the Outside

Another good habit is to wash your hands and face and change clothes after outdoor activities to reduce the number of allergens brought in from the outside. A neti pot or nasal rinse can remove allergens from your sinuses, providing quick relief.

Keep Track of Pollen Counts

Checking the pollen counts and allergy reports through local news or notifications apps for your phone can help you stay aware of current conditions and stay ahead of attacks.

Wear a Mask When Outdoors

While the only way to completely protect yourself from outdoor airborne allergens is with a hazmat suit, an N95 face mask will significantly reduce exposure-based reactions.

Avoid Certain Foods

Some foods contain proteins and chemicals that are similar to pollens from plants like ragweed, which can react sympathetically, exacerbating allergy symptoms. Avoiding foods like chamomile (and other flowers), melons, and bananas has all been known to cause issues.

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