Sinus Problems in the Spring: 4 Easy Ways to Prevent Sinus Issues

How to Prevent Sinus Problems in the Spring

Sinus Problems in the Spring

As the weather warms up, this can be a conflicted time for certain people since the spring season can be miserable for some, despite the inclination to go outside as the seasons change. As the weather warms up, spring allergies can rear its ugly head and turn the season into a miserable time of year. However, being aware of the cause of your symptoms can help you utilize the correct techniques to prevent sinus problems in the spring. Otherwise, you will have a hard time fully enjoying everything that the spring season has to offer.

Sinus problems in the spring typically occur because plants start to release pollen into the air, which can trigger the immune system to respond since the pollen moves into your sinuses as you breathe. The body’s response will typically make a person experience a runny nose, itchy eyes, and other allergy symptoms. Because of this, it is important to prevent seasonal sinus issues by checking out our helpful prevention techniques below.

Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated is good advice all year long, but when you are experiencing allergy symptoms, you don’t want to be dehydrated. Otherwise, it can make the symptoms worse. Instead, stay hydrated by drinking enough water daily to keep the mucus thin, which will make it easier for the body to expel the mucus.

Flush the Sinuses: Even though staying hydrated can help your body get rid of the mucus, giving it some extra help by clearing out the nasal passages. Regularly flushing out your sinuses with a saline spray or a Neti pot can help you get rid of allergens and other irritants from your sinuses, allowing you to breathe better and help prevent your allergy symptoms from becoming debilitating.

HEPA Air Filter: Using a HEPA air filter in your home can go a long way in making you more comfortable by helping to relieve your symptoms. Having clean air in your home is important, so either invest in standalone HEPA air filters or install a whole-house air filtration system to help keep the air you breathe fresh and clear of allergens.

Watch the Humidity Levels: As the weather warms up, there’s a possibility that the air in your home may become dry. Dry air does not mix well with sinus problems, as it can cause mucus to thicken (which can make it harder for the body to expel), so invest in a humidifier to add some moisture back into the air to help keep your sinus membranes comfortable. Just remember, there’s a balance that needs to be kept, so investing in a hygrometer to read the humidity levels in your surrounding environment is never a bad idea.

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