Allergens can be high during the months of April and May, which can make anyone feel miserable. However, when a person thinks of allergy triggers, they often think of dust, mold, and pollen. While food allergies are another well-known allergen, food pollen allergies are also real. In translation, certain foods can trigger pollen allergies in sensitive individuals. Known as pollen food allergy syndrome or oral allergy syndrome (OAS), allergy symptoms can occur when you eat certain raw fruits or vegetables due to having a pollen allergy.
If you suffer from pollen allergies and are experiencing allergy symptoms after eating certain raw fruits and vegetables, you may be suffering from oral allergy syndrome. Here’s what you should know about this pollen food allergy syndrome.
• If you are allergic to orchard grass pollen, Timothy grass, alder, mugwort, ragweed, and birch, you may experience OAS symptoms since they are similar to the proteins of certain raw nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables.
• Oral allergy syndrome can easily be confused with food allergies since it causes a person to experience symptoms such as hives, swelling, itching, and tingling. However, food pollen allergies will rarely trigger anaphylaxis or a severe allergic reaction. So something to think about if you are trying to get to the root of your allergy symptoms.
• If you’ve ever wondered why you experience allergy symptoms when you eat an apple, but not when you eat applesauce, it is because heat affects the proteins in such a way that the immune system is not able to recognize the food as an allergen. So if you like a particular fruit or vegetable but often experience an allergic reaction, try cooking it before you eat it.
• During the year, when pollen peaks, you may find that your oral allergy syndrome symptoms are worse. While the timing can vary depending on what you are allergic to, it is not uncommon to notice a correlation between a higher degree of severity of your allergy symptoms during the time of year when the pollen you are allergic to is at its highest.
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