Signs of Sinusitis: What are the Telltale Symptoms of a Sinus Infection?

The Telltale Signs of Sinusitis

Signs of Sinusitis

During the colder months, it is a common occurrence to have a stuffy nose. The weather, allergies, irritants, and even sinusitis are the typical culprits, and any of them could be behind your stuffy nose. However, distinguishing the cause of your symptoms can be tricky, especially since the signs of these conditions can overlap. However, sinus infections are very common and should be attended to, especially if you are experiencing symptoms that have been going on for weeks. Knowing more about the signs of sinusitis can help you determine what condition is ailing you.

Dealing with sinus issues can affect a person’s quality of life, so finding the cause for your symptoms is crucial if you want to feel better quickly. To help you determine if your sinus issues are caused by allergies, a cold, or a sinus infection, check out the following telltale signs of sinusitis.

• Experiencing fatigue from sinusitis is common, as well as feeling achy and tired.

• When nasal secretions bypass the nose and go into the throat, this is known as post-nasal drip. Post-nasal drip often causes a person to experience a sore throat, a hoarse voice and can cause coughing.

• You have a runny nose and congestion. Congestion stemming from inflamed sinuses can affect your breathing ability, make your face feel full, and can also affect your ability to taste and smell.

• If you feel pressure or pain in between the eyes, forehead, neck, upper jaw, and teeth, it is likely from a sinus infection. The location of the pain is an indicator of which sinuses are infected.

• Thick, colored nasal secretions are a common sign of sinusitis. Secretions may be green, white, or yellow and could contain traces of blood.

• Symptoms are long-lasting and do not subside within two weeks. Instead, they can persist for months or years without treatment.

Persistent and severe cases may require antibiotics, so if you are experiencing sinus issues longer than a week, consult with your doctor.

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