Headache Tips for When You Are Suffering from Sinusitis

How to Alleviate the Pain of a Sinus Headache

Headache Tips

Sinusitis is no laughing matter, and the symptoms associated with this condition can really put a damper on your day, especially if you happen to suffer from a sinus headache, which can be very painful. Sinus headaches can cause a constant, deep feeling pain in your forehead, behind the eyes, along the bridge of the nose, and in your cheekbones. These areas can become tender to the touch, and the pain often gets worse with movement, such as lying down or bending over. Unfortunately, sinus headaches usually have accompanying symptoms such as fatigue, runny nose, congestion, sore throat, and coughing. Luckily, following our sinus headache tips below can help educate you on the natural remedies that you can do at home to help decrease congestion and help alleviate the pain. The best treatment for physiotherapy see here.

If a sinus headache is the source of your pain and misery, check out these helpful sinus headache tips that are sure to give you the relief you need.

• To help with congestion, which can help relieve your sinus headache pain, make sure you stay well hydrated daily by drinking plenty of fluids.

• Avoid being exposed to irritants such as smoke, perfume, and chemicals. These irritants can agitate your already inflamed nasal passages and make your symptoms worse.

• If you smoke, stop or cut down, as smoking can damage the cilia (the tiny hairs in the back of your nose and lining the air passages), which can cause mucus to back up in the sinuses.

• Limit or cut out alcohol intake, which can also make your symptoms worse. Drinking alcohol, especially beer and red wine, can cause congestion and sinus pressure by increasing inflammation in the nose.

• Help reduce congestion by using saline nasal sprays or a neti pot to help flush out your sinuses. By doing so, you can help clear out the mucus from your nasal passages and help keep them moist.

• Decongestant sprays can be used as a last-ditch effort to help open up your blocked sinuses. However, follow the directions carefully and do not use decongestant sprays for more than three days in a row. Otherwise, it can make your symptoms worse.

• If necessary, over-the-counter painkillers, such as naproxen sodium, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen, may help relieve your symptoms. Just make sure you follow the label and do not use them for more than ten days at a time. After ten days, consult with your doctor.

If at-home treatments are not giving you the relief you need, or your symptoms become more severe, make an appointment with your doctor.

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