Histamine Foods: A List of High and Low Histamine Foods

List of High and Low Histamine Foods

Histamine Foods

We probably all have heard of the term “histamine,” and if you have allergies of any kind, this is a term that you know all too well. Histamine is a chemical in your immune system that will cause an immediate inflammatory response after you’ve come into contact with a substance that your body views as a potential health threat. Besides being released as a part of your immune response, histamine is also responsible for communicating messages to your brain and is what triggers the release of stomach acid to help digestion. Unfortunately, when your histamine levels go out of balance or your body is not able to break it down, it can affect your bodily functions. Even if you don’t have food or seasonal allergies, it is still possible to have too much or too little histamine present in your immune system. Luckily, you can control histamine levels naturally through your diet by watching your intake of high and low histamine foods. If you find yourself experiencing symptoms of a histamine intolerance, be sure to check out our list of foods to avoid. Some of the common reactions that are associated with a histamine intolerance include:

• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Abdominal cramping
• Dizziness
• Digestive issues
• Anxiety
• Migraines
• Headaches
• Sinus problems
• Congestions
• Hives
• Fatigue
• Irregular menstrual cycle

Knowing which foods are high and low in histamine can help you control your symptoms. Check out this helpful list so that you can manage your symptoms:

High Histamine Foods

• Alcohol
• Fermented beverages
• Aged cheese
• Yogurt
• Sauerkraut
• Shellfish
• Dried fruits
• Citrus fruits (i.e., lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit)
• Smoked or processed meats
• Avocadoes
• Spinach
• Eggplant
• Tomatoes

Low Histamine Foods

• Peanut butter
• Eggs
• Leafy and herbal teas
• Fresh fruit
• Fresh meat
• Freshly caught fish
• Dairy substitutes (i.e., coconut milk, almond milk, etc.)
• Olive oil
• Gluten-free grains (i.e., rice, quinoa, millet, etc.)
• Fresh vegetables (Except eggplant, tomatoes, spinach, and avocados)

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