Sinus issues can take a lot out of you. These issues can certainly put a damper on your day and make you feel like your head is in the clouds. However, when it comes time to getting a good night’s rest that can be hard to come by for sinus sufferers. Who can sleep when they have a runny nose, can’t breathe, or they find themselves up all night sneezing? Many can’t and don’t. Instead, they find themselves up half the night sneezing, coughing, tossing and turning. However, by following the simple sinus bedroom tips below, you can sleep more soundly.
Do you suffer from sinus issues and have been looking for a way to get a good night’s rest? If you have been searching for an answer to your sinus problems, you need to start with your bedroom. Check out our list of simple sinus bedroom tips for sinus sufferers.
• Keep a clean house and bedroom. Clean your draperies, rugs, and surfaces regularly to help limit dust and other allergens from accumulating.
• Invest in an air purifier. An air purifier will help reduce the amount of dust, pollen, and smoke in the air. While some air purifiers come with a steep price tag, investing in a good HEPA air purifier is a good way to combat allergens.
• Do you have a cat or a dog? If you have animals, it is important that you don’t let them in your bedroom, and keep them off your bed. Even if you aren’t allergic to your beloved pet, they can still track allergens into your room and onto your sheets.
• While you may love the fresh air, keeping the windows open invites pollen into your home and bedroom. If you do decide to have a window open during the day, make sure you close your windows at night. You want to limit your exposure to dampness and pollen.
• Keep an eye on the humidity level of your bedroom. The optimal humidity level is 20 percent. Anything over 40 percent will invite mold growth on your carpet, furniture, and bedding. So make sure your home stays in balance.
• Wash your bedding frequently. You can track allergens into your bedroom and onto your pillow. Plus, most bedrooms have house dust mites. You can see them, but they will live in your bedding so change and wash your sheets frequently.
• To prevent dust, dirt, and allergens from being tracked throughout your house and into your bedroom, remove your shoes as soon as you come inside. Many people leave their shoes at the front door, but you could have another designated area.
• Take a shower before you go to bed every night. Allergens can accumulate on you and on your hair, which will get on your bedding. So to help prevent allergens being transferred to your bedding, take a shower before you go to bed.
• Try not to sleep on your back at night, instead try sleeping on your side. By sleeping on your side, you can reduce post-nasal drip and can help reduce your chances of waking up with a sore throat. If sleeping on your side is not an option, try elevating your bed’s head or your own head.
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