What Causes a Nosebleed? | Sinus Center Doctors

Sniffing Out the Problem with Noses

ENT problems in the springHaving a runny nose is bad enough. Whether due to sinusitis (a sinus infection) or rhinitis, it’s just no fun to be constantly reaching for a tissue. In some cases, and especially during seasons when pollen is higher—sinusitis, allergic, or non-allergic rhinitis can lead to a nosebleed. So you may be asking, “What causes a nosebleed?”The nose is rich with blood vessels lying just below the mucus membranes, so is extremely prone to bleeding when irritated.

Now, a nosebleed isn’t a common symptom of sinusitis or allergies, but some of the tactics our sinus center doctors use to staunch the flow of mucus can irritate the sinus lining, causing a nosebleed. Some of those tactics include:

  • Decongestants. The over-use of decongestants can dry out the mucosal lining of the sinuses, leaving it prone to cracking and bleeding.
  • Heavy blowing. Trying to clear your blocked sinuses with a good honk can sometimes rupture one of the small blood vessels.
  • Self-inflicted “trauma” to the membranes. Let’s face it; it can be tempting to “help” (ok, pick) your nose a little when it’s clogged. But the risk of a heavy nosebleed should make this prospect less appealing.

If you have a sinus infection, or are taking decongestants for any reason, make sure to keep your nose well lubricated with steam, and your body well hydrated with plenty of water and tea. And if you find that nosebleeds are a common problem for you, give our sinus center doctors a call right away—you could have an undiagnosed problem, and we can help.

Contact us today and get help.

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