Types of Sinusitis: Identifying the Different Forms of Sinusitis

Identifying the Different Types of Sinusitis

Types of Sinusitis

Sinusitis or sinus infections can cause significant discomfort and ongoing symptoms for individuals. However, the appropriate treatment to provide relief varies depending on the type and cause of sinusitis. A comprehensive understanding of the different types of sinusitis is crucial to determine optimal treatments and procedures for mitigating pain and improving symptoms.

Sinusitis can affect different types of sinuses. Sinus infections typically involve the frontal sinuses but can also arise in the sphenoid sinuses. Sinusitis can result from various factors, including cold and flu viruses and fungal and bacterial infections. The following are several variations of sinusitis and their differentiating characteristics.

What are the Different Types of Sinusitis?


The sphenoid sinuses are located in the lower forehead, between the eyes, and above the nose. Inflammation and infection within these sinus cavities can result in symptoms that differ from those of the lower sinuses. Bacterial or viral infections, nasal obstructions, and other factors may cause sphenoid sinusitis. Symptoms of sphenoid sinusitis include:

• Severe headache
• Dizziness / Vertigo
• Optic sensitivity
• Post-nasal drip / Sore throat
• Runny nose and watery eyes
• Jaw pain / Toothaches

Sphenoid sinus infections, commonly bacterial, are treatable with antibiotics. However, chronic sphenoid sinusitis may require more aggressive interventions. One such option is the minimally invasive balloon sinuplasty.


Sinusitis, an inflammation of the sinuses, is commonly caused by viral or bacterial infections. However, fungal infections may also result in sinusitis and can lead to more severe symptoms. Invasive or allergic fungal sinusitis is possible in addition to the more prevalent types of sinusitis. Initially, the symptoms of a fungal sinus infection are comparable to those of other sinusitis types and allergies. These include watery eyes, post-nasal drip, runny nose, and sneezing. As the infection progresses, the mucus thickens, and individuals may experience severe pressure and headaches.

Chronic fungal sinusitis does not respond to antibiotics and necessitates medical treatment. The treatment may entail sinus surgery to remove the infected mucus and clear the sinuses. Additionally, antifungal medications may be required to minimize the risk of recurrence. It is important to note that antifungal medicines may interact with other drugs, and individuals with a liver or kidney illness should exercise caution when taking them.


The ethmoid sinuses are posterior to the nasal bridge’s uppermost portion. These diminutive sinusoidal cavities are amenable to independent infection or simultaneous involvement with the frontal, maxillary, or sphenoid sinuses. Ethmoid sinusitis shares several symptomatic features with other types of sinusitis, such as post-nasal drip, nasal congestion, and sinus headaches. Additional symptoms of ethmoid sinusitis encompass:

• Congealed mucus
• Pain around the bridge of the nose and eyes
• Inhibited taste and smell
• Face swelling around the eyes

Fungal, viral, or bacterial infections can be the underlying causes of ethmoid sinusitis. Additionally, nasal polyps can contribute to the development of ethmoid sinusitis, and in situations where conventional treatments fail to provide relief, removal of nasal polyps may be necessary.

We highly recommend seeking medical attention if sinusitis symptoms persist for more than ten days. Addressing such symptoms promptly is crucial to preventing any further complications, so contact us today if you are suffering from sinusitis and are looking for relief.

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