Benefits of Hypoallergenic Plants: Why You Should Add Some Green

The Benefits of Hypoallergenic Plants

Benefits of Hypoallergenic Plants

Between COVID-19 and the temperatures dropping, people are spending more time indoors. While there are benefits to spending time indoors (especially now), for those who suffer from asthma and allergies, being inside more can create its own set of problems. Inside, air can become stagnant, humid, and polluted. However, one way you infuse your home with cleaner air is to add some greenery. But not just any plant, as many can make asthma and allergies worse, it needs to be a hypoallergenic plant. There are many benefits of hypoallergenic plants, including the ability to improve the quality of your air.

Learn more about the benefits of hypoallergenic plants and find out why you need to add some greenery to your home.

• Hypoallergenic plants remove carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen, which can help prevent headaches and feelings of fatigue.

• Certain plants, such as Boston ferns and peace lilies, can help detoxify the air and add more humidity.

• Increasing humidity levels with the use of hypoallergenic plants can help with colds and the flu. Just make sure the humidity levels stay between 40-60%.

• If you have an issue with dry skin, adding more hypoallergenic plants to your home can help relieve dry, itchy skin. By increasing the humidity levels naturally, your skin is less likely to dry out.

• Receiving more oxygen throughout the day and night can help improve a person’s oxygen levels, helping guard against insomnia. Increased oxygen levels often mean a better night’s sleep.

• Looking to remove heavy metals, carbon dioxide, and toxins such as formaldehyde from the air? Snake and spider plants are easy to maintain and can help keep the air in your home or office clean.

• One of the best aspects of hypoallergenic plants is that having indoor plants in your home or office can help uplift a space by keeping the air clean and creating a relaxing and soothing environment.

While having clean air is important, before you add any hypoallergenic plants to your home or office, research the toxicity levels on the plant(s) you are thinking about getting. While many are safe, some hypoallergenic plants can be toxic to both animals and children.

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