Traveling with Allergies Tips: Health and Wellness 101

Tips for Traveling with Allergies

Traveling with Allergies Tips
November is here and the holidays are right around the corner, and for some of us, this means hitting the road. Some of the busiest travel days of the year occur around the holidays since many are off from school or work, and families use this time to come together. While the holidays are a time to create long-lasting memories and catch up with loved ones, for a person with allergies, traveling can be stressful. An unplanned attack can quickly upset your getaway plans and put a damper on the holidays. However, with a bit of foresight and planning traveling with allergies doesn’t have to be stressful, especially when you follow our helpful traveling with allergies tips.

This holiday season, tell your allergies to take a hike by checking out these helpful traveling with allergies tips.

1. Pack up all of you necessary medications. Be sure to double and triple check that you have everything in your arsenal before you leave. Make sure to take an extra supply as well with you when you travel, just in case. However, be sure to know TSA regulations before you fly. You don’t want to be forced to leave essential medications behind.

2. If you need to take your medications on a schedule, make sure you stay on track while traveling. Since this can be difficult to do while traveling, set an alarm or a series of alarms to serve as a reminder. You can use a watch or even your smartphone to set a reminder so you can continue to take your medications on schedule.

3. Check the local pollen counts for your destination before you go. Not only will this give you a heads up on what to expect when you arrive, but it will also provide you with time to consult with your doctor if the allergen levels are high. If you are aware of this ahead of time, your doctor may be able to make minor adjustments to your medications.

4. If you are flying, contact your airline before your trip to see if they can make any allergy-related accommodations. They may have options for those with food allergies and may be able to accommodate any other need you may have. Never just assume that an airline will accommodate, so make sure you contact them before you go.

5. Eating on the road can be tricky with food allergies, so plan ahead and pack your own food. If you are flying and don’t want to take a chance eating airline food, make sure you pack acceptable snacks in your carry-on luggage. If you are traveling on the road, pack your own food and take it with you. By doing this, you will eliminate the need and temptation of eating unknown food on the road.

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